If, for exceptional reasons, you exceed the authorised parking limit indicated on the ticket within a period not exceeding 90 minutes, you may cancel the warning. To do so, you must obtain a special ticket from the ticket dispenser to cancel the fine.

How to cancel a parking meter charge:

  • Follow the instructions on the parking meter.
  • Enter the cancellation code that appears on the complaint.
  • Enter the amount in cash, credit or debit card.


  • Falsification of the card or ticket, without prejudice to its referral to the competent body if there are reasonable indications of a criminal offence.
  • The lack of a ticket for either of the two types of seats.
  • Excess of time over the authorised or paid time, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990 of 2 March 1990, which approves the Articulated Text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Safety.
  • Misuse of the ticket for either of the two modes.
  • Use of the resident’s card for a vehicle other than the authorised one.
  • Use of the resident’s card in a sector other than the authorised sector.
  • Parking motorbikes, cycles, mopeds and bicycles in regulated parking areas outside the areas designated for them.
  • Those specifically indicated in other sections of this Ordinance.

All these infractions will be considered minor and will be sanctioned up to the maximum of 100 euros established in the Traffic and Road Safety Law or the law that replaces it.

Withdrawal of the vehicle:

When a vehicle remains parked in places authorised by the municipal authority as regulated parking spaces without displaying the ticket authorising it or when it exceeds the percentage of time paid for, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of 2 March, which approves the Articulated Text of the Law on Traffic, the Local Police officers or personnel authorised by the Town Council, with competence in traffic matters, may order the vehicle to be removed without prejudice to the report of the offence committed, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Safety, the Local Police officers or personnel authorised by the Town Council, with competence in traffic matters, without prejudice to the reporting of the offence committed, may order the removal of the vehicle from the public road and its transfer to the corresponding deposit.

Penalty regime

The infractions typified in article 11.1 of the Ordinance will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Title XI of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, regulating the bases of Local Government, Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of 2 March, approving the Articulated Text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Safety and other complementary provisions. Penalties will be graduated according to the following criteria:

  • The existence of intent or repetition.
  • The nature of the damage caused.
  • Recidivism, for committing more than one offence of the same nature within a period of one year when this has been declared by a final decision.